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Governance Information


On 1st May 2024, Hatherley Infant and St James' Church of England Junior schools converted to academy status as part of the Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust (DGAT).

For information about DGAT, including the Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, Funding Agreement, Annual Accounts, Annual Report and Register of Interests of Trust Board members, please visit the DGAT website:

Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust

The Hatherley St James' Local Governing Board

The DGAT Trust Board delegates local oversight of its schools to local governing boards. Local governing boards are committees of the Trust Board. Hatherley Infant and St James' CofE Junior schools have a single local governing board which is delegated responsibilities through a scheme of delegation (see atachement below).

The LGB ensures that Hatherley Infant School and St James’ C of E Junior School:

Serve the community of Hatherley Infant School by providing an education of the highest quality to enable children to develop and realise their skills and talents; to foster a sense of social responsibility and equal opportunity for all; and to ensure that all children develop a lifelong enjoyment of learning.

Recognising the foundation and preserving and developing the religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at Parish and Diocesan level, serve the community of St James’ C of E Junior school by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils.

The LGB has the following members:

Type of governor

Number required

Appointed or elected

Foundation governor


Appointed by the Diocese Board of Education

Foundation Ex-officio governor


Automatic appointment of the local incumbent or their substitute for duration of time in role.

Parent governor


Elected by eligible members of each school’s parent community. Each school community will elect one parent local governor.

Staff governor


Elected by eligible members of the school staff body. Each school community will elect one staff local governor.

Co-opted governor


Appointed by the LGB

Headteacher ex-officio governor


Automatic appointment for duration of time in role.

Trust appointed governor


Appointed by DGAT

Total number of local governors



The current membership of the LGB is as follows:

Type of governor

Name of Governor

Date Term Started

Date Term Ends

Foundation governor

Shirley Graham

01/07/2024 30/06/2028

Substitute Foundation Ex-officio governor

Sukanmi Osunsanmi



Parent governors






Staff governors

Elliott Prince

Emma Faulkner





Co-opted governors

Eduardo Beasley (Vice Chair)

Amanda Chong (Chair)

Jenni Vincent








Headteacher ex-officio governor

Simon Millington



Trust appointed governor


Clerk to Governors Roger Slater


Governors Whose Term Ended or Who Stepped Down in the last 12 Months

Name of Governor          

Type of Governor                   

Date Term Started

Date Term Ended

Syeda Begum Parent Governor 10/10/2024 07/03/2025
Fazila Patel Parent Governor 01/05/2024 31/08/2024

Shirley Graham

Parent Governor



Juliet Jensen Foundation Ex-officio governor 01/05/2024 29/07/2024


Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests

Each year, members of the Trust Board as well as members of local governing boards are required to make declarations of their pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests. Please refer to the attachment below for a summary of the LGB's current declarations. A summary of the declarations of the DGAT members and Trustees is available on the DGAT website.

Governors' Attendance at Meetings during the last 12 Months

(See attachment below)